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Nothing fascinates me as much as people and living/working together with them. This interest has led me to deal with a wide variety of people and situations (and hopefully will continue to do so).

These interactions sometimes succeed more and sometimes less, but what comes out of them every time is new knowledge and new skills in dealing with people.


This thirst for knowledge of social understanding eventually led me to my studies in psychology.


In this study, I realized that one misses out on countless knowledge about living and interacting with other people if one does not study it.


How much more successful would we be if we had learned in school how to communicate in such a way that we would be understood (or at least have a good chance of being understood)?


How much easier would it be if we had learned to speak and present confidently and competently in front of others, or if someone had taught us psychological knowledge for successful teamwork?


My goal is to share this psychological knowledge!

(Ideally a little more entertaining and quicker than a 5-year degree).



My name is Tim Tenger

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